Loved this! Being in the Office of Marketing at SMWC, I greatly enjoyed the promotion and mention of "Aspire Higher" in your conversation. LOL Go Noah and Elizabeth. And yes, Elizabeth, we loved you when you were working here.

I enjoyed the episode and loved hearing about your journey.

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I bet you guys are so sick of seeing my comments 🤣. But here’s another: I wish Clay City, or public schools in general, did a better job of teaching students how to study in different ways. I didn’t realize there were different ways of studying depending on the subject and depending on each persons’ learning style. It wasn’t until I started my pre-reqs for PA school (after graduating with my bachelors!) that I was studying the wrong ways.

I wish schools did a better job of teaching students that there are so many different ways of being “smart” and “successful” other than getting good grades in school.

Lastly, if I had a podcast with my husband, we would be as agreeable and supportive to each other as partners are on The Amazing Race. How did you guys find each other by randomly going to the same school?! You two were made for each other.

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Chelsie when I'm writing an article or planning out a podcast episode I always have in the back of my mind, "I know at least Chelsie will read/listen to this!" For real! It is a pretty humbling and vulnerable thing to pull the curtain back and invite others in our lives. I love the feedback.

As far as public schools go, I understand why they have to run it as a manufacturing plant stamping out alike products. They use practices that will get the highest average outcome. But like you said it limits the way they reach students and their own learning style.

I remember vividly being in 3rd and 4th grade and not going along with what was asked of me as far as reading what I was supposed to be reading or doing math the way they wanted it done. It was met with either teachers publically calling me out, or sending me to the resource room with Mrs. Kirkland to have her read the page to me. I remember crying at home that I felt so stupid. I know that killed an academic curiosity in me that I didn't find again until later in high school when I found some good friends like Janice Taney (Paul), Meghan McHenry (Nogle) and Ryan Schroer. They kind of showed me the ropes of learning on my own and asking questions' I was actually interested in finding the answers.

I know as a teacher I try as hard as I can to differentiate for my students. But it is still a challenge.

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Really enjoyed this episode, especially as a fellow “weirdo” that homeschools, limits individual screen time, and becoming more self-reliant. You guys are so fun!

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Weirdos Unite! Thanks for following along with us Heather.

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